Fundraiser: Mexico City Earthquake Relief

National  |  Wed - September 20, 2017 9:13 am  |  Article Hits:2198  |  A+ | a-

Global Human Rights Charity logo
Global Human Rights Charity logo
Mexico City has been hit by a 7.1 earthquake and people are in need of water, shelter, food, clothing, and money to rebuild their lives. Lives have been taken by this devastating force and your contribution can help heal the pain. No amount of money can repay for a lost live, but your contribution can help nonprofits and foreign aid help in relief efforts.

Funds are needed right away, so contribute what you can as every donation adds up and helps in more ways than you can imagine.

This $1,000,000 fund goes directly to Global Human Rights Charity (EIN 45-2390225), which is an unofficial 501(c)3 nonprofit as determined by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) making your donations tax deductible if over $250. Global Human Rights Charity will distribute your funds to disaster relief efforts in Mexico City, Mexico.

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